Monday, December 28, 2009

C. Menstruation Disorders Modification For Optimal Fertility

The series of Menstruation Disorders Modification For Optimal FertilityIN TCM PERSPECTIVE now contains 07 (from #65 - 71) articles, we hope that we can cover all aspects and with an aim to help all women understanding more about some unexplained causes of infertility in EASTERN POINT OF VIEW that are not cover in WESTERN MEDICINE. Best luck to your journey to become a healthy baby mother and father. Kyle J. Norton

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65. Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Blood flow scanty and Shortened Menstruation In The Menstruation Phrase
Menstrual discharge is scanty and shortened menstruation are defined as a health condition of blood deficiency as a result of liver's inability in yin transformation in the yin and menstruation phrase. Blood deficiency can also be caused by the inability of liver in blood formation or qi deficiency.

66. Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Period Discharge with Pink Color and Watery In The Menstruation Phrase
Menstrual discharge with pink color and watery is defined as a health condition of spleen qi deficiency due to the inability of stomach in food digestion as well as intake of foods with yin pathogen in nature in a prolonged period of time

67. Overcome Infertility - How to Treat Blood Scanty and Brownish Color In The Menstruation Phrase
Menstrual discharge with scanty and brownish color is defined as a health condition of blood stasis and blood deficiency as a result of the inability of liver in blood formation and blood transformation or due to liver qi deficiency.

68. Overcome Infertility - Profused Menstrual Flow and Last Over 7 Days In The Menstruation Phrase of Menstrual Cycle
Profused menstrual flow and last over 7 days. in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a health condition of either caused by qi deficiency or spleen qi deficiency, leading to not enough qi to control the flow of menstrual blood.

69. Overcome Infertility - Dark and Clotted Menstrual Flow With Pain In The Menstruation Phrase
Dark and clotted menstrual flow with pain, in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a health condition of bloods stasis as a result of not enough qi in moving blood during the menstruation phrase of the menstrual cycle.

70. Overcome Infertility - Red and Profused Menstrual Flow With Shortened Menstrual Cycle In The Menstruation In The Menstruation Phrase
Menstrual discharge with red and profused menstrual flow with shortened menstrual cycle, in traditional Chinese medicine is defined as a condition of access heat as a result of yin deficiency or excess yang during the menstruation phrase of menstrual cycle.

71. Overcome Infertility - How to Treat No Period At All (Amenorrhea) In The Menstruation Phrase
No menstrual discharge in the menstrual phrase of menstrual cycle id defined as condition of blood deficiency due to liver's inability in blood formation of blood storing as result of kidney yin/yang imbalance caused by spleen inability in food absorption.

A. To Read series of Menstrual Disorders: Overcome Infertility - Dysmenorrhea click here
B. To Read the series of Menstrual Cycle Modification for Optimal Fertility. click here
C. To Read the series of Menstruation Disorders, click here
D. Menstruation Disorders -Irregular Period In TCM Perspective
E. Overcome Infertility - Menstruation Disorders - Amenorrhea In Traditional Chinese Perspective


For the best fertility self help program review click here

I hope this information will help you understanding more of the causes of infertility in women and men, if you need more information, please visit
For other health article, please visit

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